Seeing Life From a Different Lens: How to use love, empathy, compassion, and advocacy.

The road to self-discovery is different for every person, and every story. It is important to embrace authenticity, see life through a different lens, and recognize the individual struggles that lead to self-discovery and fulfillment. In this talk, Zaakirah walks us through her journey – surviving childhood eye cancer, the crucial role of photography in her life, and thriving despite this challenge to encourage the worldwide community today


Zaakirah Muhammad shared the behind the scenes of her journey of overcoming challenges and marginalization through personal development and advocacy. She emphasized the idea behind her TEDx talk which is the importance of empathy, compassion, and self-awareness in helping others, citing her parents as role models. Her parents Khaidah and Abdul Haadee Muhammad EL and stressed the importance of teaching her to be comfortable with who she is and to advocate for herself. Friends Tyrance Billingsley, Whisper Smith, Marticia Childs, and Amnoni Myers, make cameos expressing pride in Zaakirah’s impactful TEDx talk at the University of Tulsa,

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